Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Министерство информации, связи и технологий Иордании (МИСТИ)


Цифровой паспорт (1) СМ. ТАКЖЕ (1)
* Список известных внедрений ит-систем в компании

Описание проектаGemaltoGemalto Coesys secure solutionsИБ - Аутентификация, ИБ - Биометрическая идентификация, СКУД - Системы контроля и управления доступом2016

A competitive ICT sector that is given the widest possible scope to enhance the quality of life of citizens and contribute to the socio - economic development of the Kingdom.


  • The mission of the MoICT is to achieve its vision by providing the following support to stakeholders:
  • Creating the legal, institutional and commercial environment for a market that rewards innovation and yields products and services at affordable prices to consumers.
  • Strengthening and championing the competitive position of the ICT sector domestically, regionally and internationally.
  • Providing an example of good governance in its drive for efficiency, social inclusion and human resource development.
  • Ensuring that ICT resources are exploited by Government entities in the most efficient way possible, consistent with best practices and free market principles.
  • Increasing skill sets, confidence and work readiness amongst young Jordanians and expanding community understanding, application and use of ICT.