Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Start with e-nnovation 23-24 сентября 2010

Компания: Allegro

About the contest "Start with e-nnovation!"

Do you have an idea for your own IT enterprise? An innovative concept that can revolutionize e-commerce sector? Participate in Start with e-nnovation contest and win 10 000 EUR for further development of your venture. If you believe that your project can change the future of the Internet similarly to how Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Nasza-klasa or Flickr have made it – you cannot miss this chance. Let’s take a glance in the e-world’s future!

Make your innovative idea real and let your project change the Internet. Win the money that will help you start your venture and allow it to grow. Give yourself a chance to watch your own company evolving into a major success. Start with e-nnovation and see where it takes you!

Every person of or a group of people can enter the contest by submitting innovative idea for a start up company. Start with e-nnovation consists of two stages:

Stage 1

Participants submit projects of start ups. All submissions are evaluated by the Program Committee, that consists of experts in the field of online enterprises and venture capital investments. The Committee takes into consideration:

  • the level of innovation,
  • chances for successful implementation in the IT sector,
  • potential benefits from investing in this new venture.

Program Committee will select 5 best ideas and will invite their authors to participate in the second stage of the contest. The finalists will be announced on August 30th, 2010.

Stage 2

Will take place at e-nnovation conference (September 23rd – 24th, 2010 in Poznan). During the first day of the event each finalist will have a chance to present the project in front of the panel of experts, as well as conference attendees. Presentations will be followed by the discussion panel. The winner will be announced during the second day of e-nnovation and will get a prize of 10 000 EUR to start and develop his idea. You can be the winner! It may be your innovative, creative idea that will revolutionize the web. Start changing the Internet now. To participate in Start with e-nnovation just prepare a:

  • brief description of the idea with its key elements and planned scenarios for future development,
  • short presentation about the venture,
  • evaluation of ventures’ potential social and business benefits.

You can submit your project until August 16th, 2010.
